Friday, October 1, 2010

Westernization in Pakistan (essay)


 "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on"
                                                                             ---------- Henry Ellis

The above quoted lines emphasizes on the philosophy of living that it is in our hands to make choices in life about everything. It asserts that human beings are wise enough to know that whatever they are going to choose for themselves is going to affect their lives as a whole.

Similarly, we, as Pakistani citizens have come across to such a situation in which the choice is in the hands of our youth, regarding adoption of western culture. It depends on our youth weather to follow the west or to hold back to their very own culture. Culture is a vast umbrella term under which many essential things existing in society comes. For instance, norms, values, dressing, food, festivals, etc

If we have a close look on our society, we will notice that all our norms and values are westernized. People of Pakistan, especially the youth have entirely forfeited their own culture. Right from the dressing to the art, music and literature all, these important elements of culture are westernized. The choices that have been made by the Pakistani youth regarding the adoption of western culture should not be appreciated because this adoption of culture is at the expense of our own culture.

Moreover, role of media cannot be neglected here. Media paved the way for the westernization in Pakistan. It has given boost to the concept of looking down upon our own culture. Today, nowhere on Pakistani channels you will find the glimpse of our culture. Even people do not bother to say Salam in our dramas, they greet one another by saying 'hi', 'hello' not even religious values are given due respect by the media. The point is that our youth is just trying to ape the west without any apparent reason. Is it probably because we do not have any other role model yet? Or is it because that after being blessed with the independent state we do not want our minds to be independent! 

Our youth is simply imitating the west. Days like those that Valentine's day, mother's day etc are celebrated here in Pakistan in full swing, but there is no one to question that why are these days celebrated in our country when they are not the part of our culture. Some people justify this cultural imperialism by simply asserting that these are the effects of globalization. In my perspective, globalization can have positive effects too. Why do not we copy the way they keep their environment clean and healthy? Why do not we copy their temperament? After all, all these qualities should be the part of our culture and it is the part of our culture, which has been neglected over years. Again, the choice is in the hands of the human being about what to hold on to.

The major problem with Pakistani people is that they depend on the decisions made by the western people. For instance, Nusrat Fateh Ali  Khan the famous Pakistani singer was not so popular in Pakistan unless his music was liked and recognized in the western countries. This is our misfortune that we could not simply recognize our own jewel in the crown unless it was recognized by the western countries.

Furthermore, language is also plays an integral part in constructing one's culture. As Samuel Johnson says, "language is the pedigree of all nations"
Unfortunately, we do not pay enough respect to our very own language. Most of the Pakistani writers at present are writing in English language. Some of the writers have genuine reason for that, they want to communicate with the west through their writings, therefore, they write in English. Nevertheless, some Pakistani writers choose to write in English just because western writers inspire them and they want to copy them.

It is not the case that things are impossible for us. We can still hold back to our culture because some people shares the idea that we should not give up our own culture in order to copy the culture of western society. Media can also play a positive role is bringing the people of Pakistan close to their culture by broadcasting such things which would compel the Pakistani people to hold on to their values. Nothing is yet gone with wind; things can turn out in a positive way if people of Pakistan take this issue seriously and take some measure steps to cure this disease of imperialism existing currently in our society. As they say, "Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"

 Sarah Sarhandi

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